Monday 7 May 2012

aryan kaganof : sture johannesson / bo i. cavefors....

may 6, 2012

both transgression axioms

filed under: kagapoems — abraxas @ 10:40 pm

transgression axiom #1 (for sture johannesson)
in repressive societies
the quality of the transgression
is always directly proportional
to the quantity of the

trangression axiom #2 (for bo cavefors)
the particular form this transgression takes
is an inverted mirror held up to the dominant
repression of the culture. the necessary inversion
of this mirror is described as perversion by the repressive
culture which itself is perverted. the paradox of transgressive
artists and thinkers: they are the true patriots and intellectuals
of exactly the cultures whose repressive rules they transgress.

aryan kaganof

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